Home | Schedule and Lecture Notes | Prerequisites | Grading
Location: Weill Greenberg Center (1305 York Avenue); 13th Floor ICB Conf Room, Y.13.01Mon 1-Feb (12:00 pm): Welcome; Quantifying a Sample Distribution (lecture notes)
Tue 2-Feb (3:30 pm): Probability Density Functions and the Normal Distribution (lecture notes)
Mon 8-Feb (12:00 pm): Confidence Intervals and Contingency Tables (lecture notes)
Tue 9-Feb (3:30 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Behavioral Neuroscience (Dr. Glen Prusky)
Mon 15-Feb: President’s Day Holiday
Tue 16-Feb (3:30 pm): P-Values and Formal Statistical Tests (lecture notes)
Mon 22-Feb (12:00 pm): Large Datasets, Data Mining, and Multiple Hypothesis Testing (and some other stuff) (lecture notes)
Tue 23-Feb (3:30 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Epigenetics and the HELP DNA Methylation Assay (Dr. Maria Figueroa) (slides)
Mon 1-Mar (12:00 pm): Statistics Computer Laboratory [ problem statement | exercise files (47 MB) ]
Tues 2-Mar (3:30 pm): Correlation and Linear Regression (lecture notes)
Mon 8-Mar (12:00 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Gene Expression Networks (Dr. Olivier Elemento) (slides)
Tue 9-Mar (3:30 pm): Fitting Model Parameters to Data (lecture notes)
Mon 15-Mar (12:00 pm): Quantitative Comparison of Models (lecture notes)
Tue 16-Mar (3:30 pm): Parameter Estimation Computer Laboratory (problem statement)
Mon 22-Mar (12:00 pm): No class -- Statistics Computer Laboratory Due
Tue 23-Mar (3:30 pm): Midterm Exam (the exam will be held in LC-504, the Physiology conference room, 1300 York Ave, 5th floor) (previous exams: 2008 2009)
Mon 29-Mar (12:00 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Machine Learning Methods in Biology (Dr. Christina Leslie) (preparatory reading: Bild, et. al. Nature 2006)
Tue 30-Mar (3:30 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS LABORATORY: Machine Learning Methods in Biology (S. Lianoglo, F. Rapaport, C. Leslie) (preparation; bring your laptop)
Mon 5-Apr: Spring Break Holiday
Tue 6-Apr: Spring Break Holiday
Mon 12-Apr (12:00 pm): Introduction to Dynamic Systems and Linear Difference Equations (lecture notes); Parameter Estimation Computer Laboratory Due
Tue 13-Apr (3:30 pm): Periodic Behavior and Complex Eigenvalues (lecture notes)
Mon 19-Apr (12:00 pm): No class
Tue 20-Apr (3:30 pm): A First Look at Eigenvectors (lecture notes)
Mon 26-Apr (12:00 pm): No class
Tue 27-Apr (3:30 pm): Representing Time Dependent Phenomena with ODEs; Numerical Evaluation of ODE Models (lecture notes)
Mon 3-May (12:00 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Voltage Gated Channels (Dr. Trine Krogh-Madsen) (slides)
Tue 4-May: du Vigneaud Symposium
Mon 10-May: (12:00 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS LABORATORY: Voltage Gated Channels (Dr. Trine Krogh-Madsen) (Lab Writeup | MATLAB files: Windows .zip or Mac .tgz)
Tue 11-May (3:30 pm): Stability and Linearization of ODEs -- part I (draft notes -- will be updated)
Mon 17-May (12:00 pm): Stability and Linearization of ODEs -- part II (same notes as above)
Tue 18-May (3:30 pm): Differential Equations Computer Laboratory (problem statement)
Mon 24-May (12:00 pm): Fourier and Principal Component Analysis (lecture notes)
Tue 25-May (3:30 pm): Students’ Final Project Presentations
Mon 31-May: Memorial Day Holiday
Tue 1-Jun (3:30 pm): Students’ Final Project Presentations; Differential Equations Computer Laboratory Due
Thu 3-Jun (4:00 pm - 7:00 pm): SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE (Dr. Charlie Peskin) -- the lecture will be held in LC-504, the Physiology conference room, 1300 York Ave, 5th floor
Mon 7-Jun (12:00 pm): Students’ Final Project Presentations
Tue 8-Jun (3:30 pm): Final Exam (the exam will be held in LC-504, the Physiology conference room, 1300 York Ave, 5th floor)