30 March 2010
Please bring your laptop to class on the day of the laboratory. You'll need to install a few R packages as well as download and unpack some data files, as per below. Also, plase make sure you have read the Bild paper.
Writeup: Make sure you have an electronic copy of the instructions for the laboratory on your laptop; you'll want to copy and paste some commands as the lab progresses.
Required R Packages: You should have R installed, as well as the following packages: gplots, caret, e1071, and scatterplot3d. These can be installed using the following command in R (your computer must be connected to the Internet): install.packages(c('gplots', 'caret', 'e1071', 'scatterplot3d'))
Laboratory Dataset: Please also download and upack the laboratory's data set (available as a tar file [93 M] or a zip file [93 M]).