Tuesday, January 20, 2015 - Thursday, June 4th, 2015
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Physiology Department Conference Room
1300 York Avenue; 5th Floor, Room LC-504
Midterm Exam: Thursday, March 19th (4:30 pm – 7:30 pm)
Final Exam: Thursday, June 4th (4:30 pm – 7:30 pm)
Course Director: Jason Banfelder (jrb2004@med.cornell.edu)
Teaching Assistant: Jin-Hyun Ju (jij2009@med.cornell.edu)
This course will be fully graded: (Honors, High Pass, Low Pass, Fail)

Module I: Statistics

Tuesday, January 20th: Welcome; Quantifying a Sample Distribution
Thursday, January 22nd: Probability Density Functions and the Normal Distribution
Tuesday, January 27th CANCELED DUE TO SNOW!
Thursday, January 29th: Confidence Intervals and Contingency Tables
Tuesday, February 3rd: P Values and Formal Statistical Tests
Thursday, February 5th: Statistical Power and Experimental Design
Tuesday, February 10th: NO CLASS
Thursday, February 12th: NO CLASS (recruitment)
Tuesday, February 17th: SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Dr. Glen Prusky
Thursday, February 19th: Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Non-Parametric Tests
Tuesday, February 24th: Statistics Computer Laboratory

Module II: Model Parameter Estimation

Thursday, February 26th: Correlation and Linear Regression
Tuesday, March 3rd: Fitting Model Parameters to Data
Thursday, March 5th: Quantitative Comparison of Models
Tuesday, March 10th: Parameter Estimation Computer Laboratory


Thursday, March 12th: NO CLASS (lecture rescheduled)
Tuesday, March 17th NO CLASS (exam week)
Thursday, March 19th MIDTERM EXAM: 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM; Ed Center classrooms A & B; near the Weill Auditorium

Module III: Linear Difference Equations and Linear Algebra

Tuesday, March 24th: Introduction to Dynamic Systems and Linear Difference Equations
Thursday, March 26th: Periodic Behavior and Complex Eigenvalues
Tuesday, March 31st NO CLASS (spring break)
Thursday, April 2nd NO CLASS (spring break)
Tuesday, April 7th: A First Look at Eigenvectors
Thursday, April 9th: Principal Component Analysis Jin’s Notes
Tuesday, April 14th: Linear Difference Equations Laboratory

Module IV: Dynamical Systems and ODEs

Thursday, April 16th: Representing Time Dependent Phenomena with ODEs
Tuesday, April 21st: Stability and Linearization of ODEs – part I
Thursday, April 23rd: Stability and Linearization of ODEs – part II
Tuesday, April 28th: NO CLASS
Thursday, April 30th: NO CLASS (du Vigneaud symposium)
Tuesday, May 5th: ODE Laboratory


Thursday, May 7th: Introduction to Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Models
Tuesday, May 12th: Fourier Transforms and Signal Processing
Thursday, May 14th: SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Dr. Paul Maciejewski
Tuesday, May 19th: SPECIAL TOPICS FACULTY LECTURE: Dr. Jason Mezey
Thursday, May 21st: Students’ final presentations
Tuesday, May 26th: Students’ final presentations
Thursday, May 28th: Students’ final presentations
Tuesday, June 2nd: NO CLASS (exam week)
Tuesday, June 4th: FINAL EXAM