Quantitative Understanding in Biology
Spring 2008

Statistics Laboratory

This laboratory calls for analysis of a dataset obtained by XiaoChing Li and Jonathan Tannenhauser of the Rockefeller University. Drs. Li and Tannenhauser are interested in the development of the songbird brain. In particular experiment, they extracted, cloned, and sequenced randomly chosen mRNA fragments from songbird brains at four different stages of development: embrionic, 20d, 30d, and 60d (adult). For each sequence found, they determined the gene that the fragment came from. For each gene so identified, the number of transcripts found at each stage of development is reported.

The Institute for Computational Biomedicine at Weill Cornell collaborate with Drs. Li and Tannenhauser, and have been asked to assist in the analysis of this data. Any significant findings that can be extracted from the data are of interest.

Data are in the accompanying spreadsheet. As this is unpublished data, the gene names and their functional annotations have been redacted from the dataset for the purposes of this class. Other than this redaction, the data are provided exactly as they were received by the ICB. Please note that any findings in addition to those already reported by the ICB will be forwarded to Drs. Li and Tannenhauser with due acknowledgement to the person or group reporting those findings.

The ICB would like to extend its thank Drs. Li and Tennenhauser for permission to use their unpublished data in this laboratory.