Quantitative Understanding in Biology
Spring 2008

Home | Schedule and Lecture Notes | Prerequisites | Grading

Project I: 10%    (written only)
Project II: 15%   (written and oral)
Homework Projects: 25%

Class Participation: 10%

Quiz I: 2.5%
Quiz II: 2.5%
Mid-term Exam: 15%
Final Exam: 20%

Written assignments (the written portion of projects as well as homework, but not quizzes or exams) are due promptly at 11:59 PM on the due date. They may be submitted in advance via email to (jrb2004@med.cornell.edu), or may be handed in on CD during class hours. It is strongly suggested that you leave sufficient time to deal with technical issues (computers crashing, e-mail not work, hungry dogs, etc.) when handing in assignments.

You have up to five days of extensions/grace periods for written assignments. They must be taken in whole day increments (even if you are just two minutes late for a particular assignment). In addition to some extra time for you, this policy is also intended to provide relief from technical issues as described above; please don’t ask for any additional extensions.